Page 3 - Fishing Report | 10-25-17
P. 3

‘eye report last week and a 28.5” ‘eye taken on Sunday – jigging blades.  The river outflow con-
         tinues to produce some walleye – likely due to increased water flow being discharged from

         Laurie @ Duck-n-Drake; filed 10-23: This past week I’ve had sporadic reports of success on
         crappies. Large fathead minnows were used by one group of anglers which had been fishing
         for several days. On some days they would catch a number of crappies, while other days it
         would only be couple. Also some customers fishing further south on the lake have been catch-

         ing some 17 to 18 inch walleyes.

         Becky @ Gateway Bait; filed 10-23: Here at the shop, we’ve had reports of crappies and small
         perch caught off the causeway, as well as several small muskies. Also report of walleyes caught
         in 13 feet.

         Patty @ Poff’s Place; filed 10-23: The bite is slow for October but encouraging – hoping to pick
         up as water cools down. Hearing reports of crappies and perch off the causeway, and a few
         ‘eyes on the South End of lake. I have an excellent selection of the popular blade baits for the
         lake; these lures will be producing as the water temp drops. Be sure to get them now while I
         have a good stock of colors and sizes.

                                                            Bryan Stuyvesant (Meadville); filed 10-23: With
                                                            my buddy Mike Kernan from Texas staying at my
                                                            place for archery season, we decided Sunday

                                                            would be a day to catch some crappies for a fish
                                                            fry. Never having fished for crappies at Pymie in
                                                            the fall, I called Darl Black for a quick afternoon
                                                            trip on Sunday. We produced some nice size crap-
                                                            pies from cover in 12 to 25 feet of water by drop-
                                                            shotting Bobby Garland Baby Shads on 6-pound

                                                            Gamma Line with B-n-M Rods. Presentation had
                                                            to be precise as the crappies were hanging very
          Bryan Stuyvesant and Mike Kernan on Pymie with Darl   tight to isolated cover. (See photo)

         Conneaut Lake

         Tom @ Myers Sportsman’s Connection; filed 10-23: Many of our customers have been fishing
         Conneaut Lake for big bluegills the past week or two. Bite continued through the weekend, but
         uncertain how the cool down this coming week will impact the bluegill bite.
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