Page 6 - Fishing Report 11-24-15
P. 6

Walnut Wall—db photo                       Poor Richards photo  Poor Richards photo

                      Trout Run/ db photo

Ric @ Trout Run; filed 11/23: “We didn’t get the promised snow fall over the weekend,
so the streams remain low. However there was a push of fresh steelhead into the low
portions of the streams this past week, but Bob Hetz thinks they are from Ohio stocked
fish because there are no fin clips as done by PA. Anglers are catching some fish up and
down the streams, but it is tough. We need rain to get good movements and better fish-
ing. When the lake is calm, that is where the action is right now.”

Dan @ Elk Creek; filed 11/23: “With low water, anglers are walking long distances on Elk
looking for steelhead, but are not seeing many. But fresh run fish are hard to pick out in
the streams because of silver color – not as easy to spot as darker fish that have been in
the stream. We are seeing a lot of small steelheads – 4 to 5 pounders. Hardly any 7 to
10 pounders – actually we have not seen a single big one. We have a lot of questions
but not many answers. What initially looked like an exceptional steelhead run has
turned out to be another average year.”

Ken Anderson (Tionesta); filed 11/18: “On Veterans Day, I took a
day trip to Erie’s west side tribs with my brother Paul and his son
Ely. Water was the right color, while leaves were a challenge. But it
was the Big Guys who got skunked. Meanwhile, Ely took the only
fish of the day – a Crooked Creek Chromer – his first Erie
Steel!” (See pic to right)

                        Denny Beggs (Franklin); filed 11/16: “Attached is a picture for the
                        NW PA Fishing Report. My son, Devin, a senior at Penn State Beh-
                        rend, landed this steelhead on Twenty-Mile Creek near Northeast,
                        PA on Sunday 11/15/15. In the background is my older brother Bill.
                        The fish was caught on an orange colored sucker spawn fly pattern;
                        the fish was released. We also tried live shiners and single eggs –
                        but no luck. It amazes me how the artificial stuff out-catches real
                        bait much of the time!” (See pic to left)
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